Journey to Croatia – Part 1


When you first start planning for your big dream, it feels like miles away. You think and you dream and you plan and you organize but nothing truly prepares you for when that day arrives.


November 21 I made the decision to join Remote Year, stepping out of my job for one year and launching my own business while traveling the world. Flying out on March 4 meant I had over three months to pull everything together.


Although I was organized, the last week of February was one of the most overwhelming, chaotic times in my life. I had decided to keep working full time until February 28, thinking this left me three days to finalize things for my trip. However, I forgot that most tenants need to move on the first of the month so that meant I also needed to be out of my home for March 1!


The days flew by and suddenly it was the last day of work – exciting and scary at the same time. It’s comfortable to have routines and know what is expected of you every day. And it’s comfortable to have colleagues who are more than just work mates – they’re friends who care about you. So yes, I had tears in my eyes as I said my goodbyes but my steps became lighter as I walked away.


And then it was time to pack up my home and say goodbye to my morning sunrises, lake views, comfy big bed and quiet space.


Fortunately I found the most amazing tenants and felt comfortable leaving my place fully furnished, simply packing up my personal belongings. I managed that part without tears but still some sadness as I walked away.


(Side note: I thought I lived a minimalist lifestyle but removing my personal belongings made me realize I have a lot more stuff than I thought! I’ll deal with that after my year adventure, as I imagine my perspective about what’s important will change…)


The last big piece of the puzzle was my vehicle, Finn. Finn and I have had some good times and I wanted to make sure he went to a home. I found the perfect spot and said another tearful goodbye.


Suddenly I realized that I didn’t have any keys – not one key. What a crazy feeling! It’s like you don’t belong anywhere. You have nothing tying you down – you could simply float away.


My schedule was jam packed with final meetups – so many dear friends to visit and connect with before taking off. Although I was exhausted, these connections fueled my soul and reminded me how much I’m loved.


My final day was reserved for someone very special – my sister. I knew leaving her for a year would be the hardest part so we needed extra time to soak each other up.


As she drove me to the airport, I started getting nervous. I’m very good at coming up with crazy ideas and grand adventures and when the moment comes to step into it, I wonder what the heck I was thinking!


My bag is checked (underweight, thank you very much), all my “see ya laters” have been said and I’m through security.

It’s real.

I’ve really left everything behind and am stepping into the unknown.

Unknown people…

Unknown places…

Unknown foods…

Unknown income…

Unknown everything.

All I know is that I have to do this…an unknown force is calling me and I simply must go.

10 thoughts on “Journey to Croatia – Part 1”

  1. Vic Nykiforuk

    All the best Michelle on your journey of a lifetime. Enjoy, be wise. Be safe. I look forward to following your adventures

    1. Thanks Vic! It truly is a journey of a lifetime…I’m still adapting to waking up each morning and choosing what I want to do! I’ll bet you can relate 🙂

  2. Krista Hargrave

    And we’re off! Thank you for this blog, as it enables us to go traveling the world with you. We are your unseen companions, hitchhiking on your bicycle, spectators cheering you on and friends hoping each day finds you happy, healthy and courageous. .Looking forward with much anticipation to your stories of discovery and your daily experiences in an ever-changing landscape. We are so proud of you and we love you to the moon and back. xoxo Mom and Dad

  3. Kelly Bregeda

    The ending gave me shivers… I admire your ability to take the leap of faith and let the world become your unknown. Although I will miss your smiling every morning, I am so excited to follow this journey right along side you!

    1. Awhhh, thanks Kelly! Your support throughout this journey helped give me the courage to leap. I miss your smiling face too!

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