Brilliant Headline to Grab Attention + Make Your Best Peeps Take Notice (No Pressure)
Sentence emphasizing where your peeps are, in comparison to where they actually want to be…
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_half” border_color=”#a5dbdd” margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”60″]
Compelling introduction painting a picture of where your people are now, what they have tried, what they are feeling. (Keep it short, not too doom and gloom-y).
Apple pie biscuit gummi bears marzipan muffin powder lemon drops jelly-o jelly. Apple pie marzipan lemon drops icing sugar plum jelly-o. Icing toffee lollipop pie dessert soufflé biscuit cookie soufflé.
Powder sugar plum marzipan topping. Cake chupa chups chocolate danish cake cake. Lemon drops lemon drops macaroon cookie chocolate icing oat cake. Topping cake cake.
Sweet roll jelly beans topping pudding lemon drops. Cake soufflé candy. Bonbon pastry oat cake ice cream chocolate cake. Muffin candy canes marshmallow macaroon tart candy donut bonbon powder.
But! It doesn’t Have To Be That Way – Tell Them How it Could Be!
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_half” border_color=”#a5dbdd” margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”60″]
Paint a picture with words of how it could be once their problem has been solved! Concentrate on the feelings / changes from before to after
Apple pie biscuit gummi bears marzipan muffin powder lemon drops jelly-o jelly. Apple pie marzipan lemon drops icing sugar plum jelly-o. Icing toffee lollipop pie dessert soufflé biscuit cookie soufflé.
Powder sugar plum marzipan topping. Cake chupa chups chocolate danish cake cake. Lemon drops lemon drops macaroon cookie chocolate icing oat cake. Topping cake cake.
[mk_page_section bg_image=”” border_color=”#ffffff” bg_position=”center bottom” bg_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_stretch=”true” enable_3d=”true” min_height=”500″ padding_top=”150″ padding_bottom=”150″ top_shape_color=”#ffffff” bottom_shape_color=”#ffffff” sidebar=”sidebar-1″]
An image which implies how much easier life will be when they have / use Your Thing
Introduce Your Brilliant Thing!
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_half” border_color=”#a5dbdd” margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”60″]
What Is It? How does it get them from where they are to where they want to be? What Difference Will It Make In Their Lives?
Apple pie biscuit gummi bears marzipan muffin powder lemon drops jelly-o jelly. Apple pie marzipan lemon drops icing sugar plum jelly-o. Icing toffee lollipop pie dessert soufflé biscuit cookie soufflé.
Powder sugar plum marzipan topping. Cake chupa chups chocolate danish cake cake. Lemon drops lemon drops macaroon cookie chocolate icing oat cake. Topping cake cake.
Sweet roll jelly beans topping pudding lemon drops. Cake soufflé candy. Bonbon pastry oat cake ice cream chocolate cake. Muffin candy canes marshmallow macaroon tart candy donut bonbon powder.
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-li-lab” color=”#ff5087″ size=”xx-large” align=”center”]
Some text describing just how awesome this benefit really is
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-li-micro” color=”#ff5087″ size=”xx-large” align=”center”]
Some text describing just how awesome this benefit really is
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-li-magnet” color=”#ff5087″ size=”xx-large” align=”center”]
Some text describing just how awesome this benefit really is
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-li-bicycle” color=”#ff5087″ size=”xx-large” align=”center”]
Some text describing just how awesome this benefit really is
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-li-coffee” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”xx-large” align=”center”]
Some text describing just how awesome this benefit really is
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-li-tshirt” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”xx-large” align=”center”]
Some text describing just how awesome this benefit really is
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-li-umbrella” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”xx-large” align=”center”]
Some text describing just how awesome this benefit really is
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-li-love” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”xx-large” align=”center”]
Some text describing just how awesome this benefit really is
Maybe you’re thinking, but I’ve tried everything, and nothing ever works…
Time for a story. Everyone loves stories and relates to them without feeling “sold to”. Tell a story of someone (maybe you, maybe a client) who was where they are now, who managed to overcome their adversity to become the King and Queen of the world, by using your thing, of course.
Sweet roll jelly beans topping pudding lemon drops. Cake soufflé candy. Bonbon pastry oat cake ice cream chocolate cake. Muffin candy canes marshmallow macaroon tart candy donut bonbon powder.
Marshmallow brownie sugar plum cheesecake. Muffin sugar plum pastry. Sesame snaps cake marshmallow sweet roll tart cupcake pastry carrot cake. Cotton candy tootsie roll powder icing croissant biscuit.
[mk_page_section bg_image=”” border_color=”#ffffff” bg_position=”center bottom” bg_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_stretch=”true” enable_3d=”true” min_height=”500″ padding_top=”150″ padding_bottom=”150″ top_shape_color=”#ffffff” bottom_shape_color=”#ffffff” sidebar=”sidebar-1″]
An image which implies how much happier they will be when they have / use Your Thing
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-checkbox-checked” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
A reason why they’re perfect for this
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-checkbox-checked” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
A reason why they’re perfect for this
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-checkbox-checked” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
A reason why they’re perfect for this
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-checkbox-checked” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
A reason why they’re perfect for this
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-checkbox-unchecked” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
Reason why they won’t benefit
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-checkbox-unchecked” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
Reason why they won’t benefit
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-checkbox-unchecked” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
Reason why they won’t benefit
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-checkbox-unchecked” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
Reason why they won’t benefit
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_third” border_color=”#a5dbdd” margin_bottom=”40″]
At some point you have to get to The Price of the Thing. Talk about it as an investment if it feels easier. First talk once more about the VALUE (what they get is of course almost priceless, yes?!)
Apple pie biscuit gummi bears marzipan muffin powder lemon drops jelly-o jelly. Apple pie marzipan lemon drops icing sugar plum jelly-o. Icing toffee lollipop pie dessert soufflé biscuit cookie soufflé.
Powder sugar plum marzipan topping. Cake chupa chups chocolate danish cake cake. Lemon drops lemon drops macaroon cookie chocolate icing oat cake. Topping cake cake.
Sweet roll jelly beans topping pudding lemon drops. Cake soufflé candy. Bonbon pastry oat cake ice cream chocolate cake. Muffin candy canes marshmallow macaroon tart candy donut bonbon powder.
[mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”#” align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”50″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#ff5087″ btn_hover_bg=”#ff6600″]I NEED THIS![/mk_button]
[mk_testimonials style=”modern” show_as=”column” column=”1″ count=”1″ testimonials=”532″]
Some Sort of Urgent Call to Action….
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_third” border_color=”#ff5087″ margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”40″]
Because people are much more inclined to buy if they have an incentive to act now…
[mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”#” align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”50″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#ff5087″ btn_hover_bg=”#ff6600″]I NEED THIS![/mk_button]
Some Important Bullet Points
Expand upon the features / benefits above to really emphasize how life will be after they get your thing
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-arrow-right-2″ color=”#a5dbdd” size=”large” align=”right”]
A really compelling thing that your ideal person really wants
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-arrow-right-2″ color=”#a5dbdd” size=”large” align=”right”]
A really compelling thing that your ideal person really wants
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-arrow-right-2″ color=”#a5dbdd” size=”large” align=”right”]
A really compelling thing that your ideal person really wants
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-arrow-right-2″ color=”#a5dbdd” size=”large” align=”right”]
A really compelling thing that your ideal person really wants
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-moon-arrow-right-2″ color=”#a5dbdd” size=”large” align=”right”]
A really compelling thing that your ideal person really wants
How Is The Thing Delivered?
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-icon-plus” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-icon-plus” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-icon-plus” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
[mk_font_icons icon=”mk-icon-plus” color=”#a5dbdd” size=”medium” align=”right”]
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_third” border_color=”#ff5087″ margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”40″]
A brilliant reminder why they should buy now…
[mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”#” align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”50″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#ff5087″ btn_hover_bg=”#ff6600″]I’M READY FOR THIS![/mk_button]
[mk_testimonials style=”modern” show_as=”column” column=”1″ count=”1″ testimonials=”532″]
[mk_circle_image src=””]
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_third” border_color=”#a5dbdd” margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”40″]
Why That Matters
And Why You’re The Person To Help
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
Apple pie biscuit gummi bears marzipan muffin powder lemon drops jelly-o jelly. Apple pie marzipan lemon drops icing sugar plum jelly-o. Icing toffee lollipop pie dessert soufflé biscuit cookie soufflé.
Powder sugar plum marzipan topping. Cake chupa chups chocolate danish cake cake. Lemon drops lemon drops macaroon cookie chocolate icing oat cake. Topping cake cake.
Sweet roll jelly beans topping pudding lemon drops. Cake soufflé candy. Bonbon pastry oat cake ice cream chocolate cake. Muffin candy canes marshmallow macaroon tart candy donut bonbon powder.
[mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”#” align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”50″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#ff5087″ btn_hover_bg=”#ff6600″]I NEED THIS![/mk_button]
[mk_testimonials style=”modern” show_as=”column” column=”1″ count=”1″ testimonials=”556″]
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” border_color=”#a5dbdd” margin_bottom=”40″]
[vc_accordions open_toggle=”-1″ container_bg_color=””]
My fabulous answer.
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
My fabulous answer.
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
My fabulous answer.
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
[vc_accordions open_toggle=”-1″ container_bg_color=””]
My fabulous answer.
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
My fabulous answer.
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
My fabulous answer.
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
[vc_accordions open_toggle=”-1″ container_bg_color=””]
My fabulous answer.
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
My fabulous answer.
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
My fabulous answer.
Danish jelly sesame snaps dessert cookie candy. Chocolate cake gummi bears tootsie roll caramels pastry gummies. Topping cupcake sweet apple pie jelly jelly beans. Marzipan jujubes biscuit topping jelly-o.
Super Strong Call to Action!
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_half” border_color=”#ffffff” margin_bottom=”40″]
[mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”#” align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”50″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#ff6600″ btn_hover_bg=”#ff5087″]I NEED THIS![/mk_button]
Do you have an amazing bonus?
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_third” border_color=”#ff5087″ margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”40″]
Give them a reason to to act now…
[mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”#” align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”50″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#ff5087″ btn_hover_bg=”#ff6600″]I NEED THIS![/mk_button]
[mk_testimonials style=”modern” show_as=”column” column=”1″ count=”1″ testimonials=”554″]
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_third” border_color=”#ff5087″ margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”40″]
The Cart is Closing Soon(ish)
[mk_countdown offset=”-12″][mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”#” align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#ff5087″ btn_hover_bg=”#ff6600″ btn_hover_txt_color=”#ffffff”]I AM SO READY FOR THIS![/mk_button]
One last super persuasive call to action
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_third” border_color=”#ff5087″ margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”40″]
[mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”#” align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”50″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#ff5087″ btn_hover_bg=”#ff6600″]I NEED THIS![/mk_button]
Reminder of Why This is So Awesome!
[mk_divider style=”thick_solid” divider_width=”one_half” border_color=”#ffffff” margin_bottom=”40″]
Because now is the time to make a change
[mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”#” align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#ff6600″ btn_hover_bg=”#ff5087″]I NEED THIS![/mk_button]